Genuine Profitable Transaction


Genuine Profitable Transaction

Master Nanaki ji father realize that Nanak ji like to speak with individuals. So that's what he concluded assuming Nanak ji was to advance at any rate to bring in cash, it tends to done through exchange.

So at some point, Guru Nanak's dad gave Bhai Bala twenty rupees and expressed, "Go with Nanak and get some great from market and them sell them at productive rate."

So Bhai Bala and Nanak went to market to get a few products. As they had passed ten miles from their town, they run over a gathering of Hermits who were sitting under a tree.

Seeing them Nanak ji halted Bhai Bala and said, "Father requested that we make some productive exchange and nothing can be more beneficial than to take care of these Hermits.

I can't go ahead passing on such extraordinary chance to make genuine productive exchange."

Nanak ji took all that cash from Bala bhai and offered that cash to them saying, "I offer this in your administration.."

Top of that Hermit bunch answered, "Child, this cash is of no utilization for us as we never go to any town or town.

We generally stay here in wilderness.. Assuming you offer us a supper, we will acknowledge it.."

Then, at that point, Nanak ji and Bhai Bala went to approach by town to get dinners for loners and with outstanding cash he bought garments for recluses. Nanak ji offered all that to gathering of loners and left for home with nothing.


 Earning more Money can be Profitable however True Profit lies in carrying out Good Things and Helping Others.
